And today, on his blog, he finally discusses what has become known as Climategate, where emails from the "elite" climate scientists from East Anglia University in England discuss their work with their colleagues here in the US. Needless to say the emails show a lot of "tough guys," trying to elbow out dissenting views on global climate change. However, from what I have read, I agree with Mass, the evidence does not lead to data tampering or a result that may be any different that humans are probably enhancing the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere which traps heat escaping gases, thus increasing the Earth's temperatures (ok, yeah, I know that explanation was rather simplistic).
None the less, after reading the emails, like Mass, I am discouraged with the lions of this particular area of research trying to stifle dissenting views or research. Mass's stories of his colleague who was fired by the State of Washington is chilling.
For us to figure out how to limit our emissions of green house gases it will take enormous political, but more importantly, social will. To corral or garner that will, it takes a willingness for the researchers to doubt their own work, to be open to critique and debate, so that everyone can resolve contentious points on their own.
And oh, by the way Al Gore, can you please stop exaggerating the research upon which you rely? It doesn't help in this debate.
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