Friday, August 28, 2009

A Home Run

Anyone who has been to a sports stadium knows several things: the tickets cost way too much, the seats are way too skinny, it's a sure deal that the guy next to you or behind you will spill beer on you, and the food is expensive.

I remember attending the US Open for tennis in New York and having a mild heart attack at the price of a chicken burger (oh, sorry, they called it something quite fancy). This was almost 15 years ago, I can only imagine the cost now! Here at Mariner's baseball stadium, a hot dog is over $5! Yikes!

So it is with great pleasure that I saw fruit is being sold at Yankee Stadium. Now, I am rabidly anti-Yankees. During any World Series I will root for anyone other than the Yankees if they are playing (ABBY). But fruit? Bananas, apples, peaches at the ballpark?

It's a home run!

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