Friday, May 15, 2009

Finger Pointing in Washington, DC, Oh My!

Instead of addressing the surge in foreclosures, the greed filled credit card industry, the exploding health care costs that are bankrupting Medicare and many personal finances, or even the mess in Afghanistan, our "for change" politicians seem to me indulging in their favorite activity in Washington, DC.  Finger pointing.

The targets this time are Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who for years, was the ranking minority leader on the House Intelligence Committee.  During the Bush Administration's in-house debates about the use of "enhanced interrogation methods," (read: torture) then Congresswoman Pelosi was briefed by CIA administrators on the capture and interrogations of several al Qaeda masterminds.  

The Republicans, eager to gain some toehold into the Democratic steamroller, leapt onto this information, claiming Speaker Pelosi is a hypocrite.  How can she call for prosecutions or a truth commission on the Bush Administration's use of torture when she knew about it herself.

Pelosi, aware of this problem, is now pointing fingers at the CIA, claiming the briefings were misleading.  Congress, she said yesterday, was misled.

And today, the Obama appointee to head the CIA, Leon Panetta, said there was no misleading by his agency.

Stop this madness!

Show me one Congressman, heck, one politician who isn't a hypocrite.  Anyone?

So, what really should be happening here is Speaker Pelosi should admit she was briefed, at the time the briefings were confidential, she expressed her concerns about the interrogation methods, and now it's time for us to find out what actually happened and move on.

But this game, this finger pointing.  What a waste of time.  While we're focused on this, thousands of people lost their homes to foreclosures.  Millions are out of work.  People are struggling trying to find health care.

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