The usual suspects are lambasting CBS for running the ad. Sally Jenkins, a great sports writer for the Washington Post wrote a superb piece on this here.
Frankly, I don't care. Tim Tebow and his family have a right to appear in any advertisement they want. Most of the ads during the Super Bowl are so inane and sexist to begin with, that a woman celebrating the fact she made a choice, well, that's pretty amazing. And this guy, from everything I understand, seems to be the role model we want in college athletes. He hasn't been arrested, but rather spent his summer breaks in developing countries doing scut work. He is honest, diligent, hard working, responsible.
And the ad is about choice. His mother had a choice. It's really a pro-choice ad sponsored by the conservative Focus on the Family. How ironic.
So, let's realize an amazing woman who raised a great kid is a far far better advertisement than the sexist Bud beer ads we'll all have to endure if we watch the game.
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