Part of the Obama plan for General Motors and probably Chrysler includes demanding even more concessions from the United Autoworkers employees and retirees. Apparently, according to Rattner and other's in the Obama economic brain trust, it's those "legacy costs" of the retirees that is killing GM and Chrysler (funny, I thought it was the crappy cars they made for years).
I love the term "legacy costs." It sounds like a Pentagon generated term, sort of like "collateral damage," which means some one, a real live human, got killed while really big bomb exploded. Here, real people who need health insurance, who more than likely have lots of health issues having worked around paint fumes, doing redundantly repetitive manual labor, will be told to hit the pavement and figure out how to pay just like the rest of us. This, from an Administration that wants to solve the health care crisis.
What I want to know is are the AIG, Bank of American, Citibank, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs executives or matter of fact, any retired Member of Congress who gets amazing health care benefits, being told their "legacy costs" are too much?
You already know the answer.
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