In my email in box this morning came an inquiry from one of my friends who I consider extremely smart. And his question, more an editorial than a genuine question, wondered why it is Congress (and I will edit here and add the Administration) is unable to write in conditions on the federal bail out money. He said, with Congress filled with so many lawyers, you would think they could write contracts with conditions (and to the six folks on the email many lawyer jokes swirled around between us).
He's right, of course. But that "failure" to condition the bail out money on how it is used is not negligent. Follow the money and follow the lobbyists. You see, we can have all our populist anger we want. Huff and puff. And the Members of Congress will now, almost like a well directed play, call for hearings, yell at executives of AIG, demand someone's head. But really, those same Members of Congress, presidential candidates, and even wanna-bees currently working in the Administration, get lots of money in their campaign coffers from AIG, Citibank, Bank of America. Even now.
So, this latest brouhaha, well, it's for show. It gets us distracted. It gets us upset. Meanwhile, bankruptcy cram-down provisions get watered down (which could really help troubled homeowners, you know, those blue collared folks), the mark-to-market accounting provisions that actually help tell individual investors what banks are solvent are probably going away...in other words, while the populist anger is storming off to the side, the real action to help us, is not happening.
Score? Banks and financial institutions - 10 Individuals - 0.
Get angry. But keep calling and yelling at your Congressman or woman. Tell them you're watching. Not the showy hearings or press conferences, but their votes on issues that will actually help you, your friends, your kids, your neighbors.
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