The Origin of Species over time has become a seminal work, but really to biologists, it is the progression of observed science along with work done by Carolus Linneaus among others. For me the value of Darwin's work is the amazing beauty of a curious mind.
While the theories of evolution have become, in the United States, a polarizing debate between those who believe that life was created from God and those who resent "believers" from not recognizing science, I would like to add a voice toward the idea that both the idea of creation and evolution theories can happily co-exist. Here is a man, a naturalist, who wondered why, among many things, the beaks of finches in one area were slightly different than the beaks of finches in another place. And from that curious mind, those astute observations, came a celebration, in my opinion, of the miracle of life, not a repudiation of God.
So today, on this amazing bi-centennial of genius, let's also be grateful that God gave us such a brilliant man, Charles Darwin.
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